Client library .NET
Class description, methods and parameters of ZMS client.
Class ZMSClient
Class CAdmin
Class CZRegistration
Class CZContact
Class CZNsSet
Class CZKeySet
CLass CZDomain
- Summary CAdminError
Class CZError
Data structure
Class ZMSClient
Following API describes client part of client-server application, which is, inter alia, providing registration and administration of domains .CZ. Entire communication is running on message exchange between client and servers via protocol TCP/IP. This communication is encapsulated in client and function is provided by calling relevant methods.
constructor ZMSClient()
Create ZMS client as instance of classZMSClient.
ZMSClient zms = new ZMSClient("", true, false);
Constructor of this class requires following parameters:
- zmsRemoteHost (string) - server address, where the server part is running; recommended value:
- ssl (bool) - determins if the communacation will be running via secure channel; recommended value: true
- test (bool) - determins if the communication will be running with test server; if the values is true, data source are test databases
method Connect()
By calling method client connects to server. If connection is unsuccessfull, method output is exception.
method Disconnect()
By calling method is proceed regular disconnection between client and server.
Class CAdmin
Server part requires client identification and specific level of competentions for access to component functions. At first you need to get competentions (rights) and then you will be able to use the client. Contact our technical support where you will get competentions (rights).
method UserAuthenticate()
By calling method is proceed identification of client by login to Administration center. Level of competentions is defined by administration center account settings.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, method returns false. Error code is possible to get from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- idUser (string) - login username to Administration Center account
- password (string) - login password to Administration Center account
- lang (string) - language version (supported values 'cs' (default), 'en')
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CAdminError) - output parameter which is returns error code
zms.CAdmin.UserAuthenticate("CZ-xx", "password", "cs", 0, out error);
Class CZRegistration
This class contains classes for work with contacts CZContact, with sets of nameservers CZNsSet, keysets CZKeySet and with domains CZDomain and associates them into logic complex, which is cover operations over CZ.NIC database.
Class CZContact
Třída CZContact contains methods for work with contacts.
method Create()
This method allows to create new contact in CZ.NIC database.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, method returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- contact (ContactType) - data for new contact create
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Contact.Create(contact, mid, out error);
method DeleteByPassword()
This method allows delete contact from CZ.NIC database.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- cId (string) - identificator of contact
- password (string) - password of contact
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Contact.DeleteByPassword(cId, password, mid, out error);
method Check()
This method allows check if the identificator of contact is available in CZ.NIC database.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- cId (string) - identificator of contact
- check (out CheckType) - output parameter returns result of availability of identificator
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Contact.Check(cId, out check, mid, out error);
method ListDomains()
This method allows to get list of domain names, which are using intended identificator of contact as domain owner or adminstration contact.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- cId (string) - identificator of contact
- list (out string[]) - output parameter which is contain list of domain names
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Contact.ListDomains(cId, out list, mid, out error);
method ListKeySets()
This method allows to get list of idenficators of keysets, which are using indended identificator of contact.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- cId (string) - identificator of contact
- list (out string[]) - output parameter which is contain list of identificators of keysets
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Contact.ListKeySets(cId, out list, mid, out error);
method ListNsSets()
This method allows to get list of identificators of set of nameservers, which are using intended identificator of contact.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- cId (string) - identificator of contact
- list (out string[]) - output parameter which is contain list of identificators of set of nameservers
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Contact.ListNsSets(cId, out list, mid, out error);
method Query()
This method allows to load data of contact from CZ.NIC database. Data what you get is possible to use for method UpdateByPassword(). Data of contacts set as "hidden" are not displayed (returned), because contact is not authorized.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- cId (string) - identificator of contact
- contact (out ContactType) - loaded data of contact
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Contact.Query(cId, out contact, mid, out error);
method QueryByPassword()
This method allows to get data of contact from CZ.NIC database. Data what you get is possible to use for method UpdateByPassword(). Because the contact is authorized, you will get "hidden" data too.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- cId (string) - identificator of contact
- password (string) - password of contact
- contact (out ContactType) - loaded data of contact
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Contact.QueryByPassword(cId, password, out contact, mid, out error);
method SendAuthInfo()
This method allows to call CZ.NIC for send authorization code for transfer domain between registrars.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- cId (string) - identificator of contact
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Contact.SendAuthInfo(cId, mid, out error);
method SendPassword()
This method allows to send password of contact. Password is used for authorization of changes.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- cId (string) - identificator of contact
- expireInDays (int) - number of days after which the password expires
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Contact.SendPassword(cId, expireInDays, mid, out error);
method Transfer()
This method allows to transfer contact from another registrar.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- cId (string) - identificator of contact
- curAuthInfo (string) - password for trnasfer contact between registrars
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Contact.Transfer(cId, curAuthInfo, mid, out error);
method UpdateByPassword()
This method allows to save changes of contact to CZ.NIC database.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- contact (ContactType) - new data of contact
- password (string) - password of contact
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Contact.UpdateByPassword(contact, password, mid, out error);
method Whois()
This method allows to load data of contact from CZ.NIC database.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- cId (string) - identificator of contact
- info (out ContactWhoisType) - output parameter returns loaded data of contact
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Contact.Whois(cId, out info, mid, out error);
Class CZNsSet
Class CZNsSet contains methods for work with sets of nameservers
method Create()
This method allows to create new set of nameservers in CZ.NIC database.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- nsset (NsSetType) - data for creating new set of nameservers
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.NsSet.Create(nsset, mid, out error);
method DeleteByPassword()
This method allows to delete set of nameservers from CZ.NIC database.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- nId (string) - identificator of set of nameservers
- cId (string) - identificator of contact which is authorizing deletion
- password (string) - password of contact
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.NsSet.DeleteByPassword(nId, cId, password, mid, out error);
method Check()
This method allows to check availability of identificator of set of nameservers in CZ.NIC database.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- nId (string) - identificator of set of nameservers
- check (out CheckType) - output parameter which is returns result of check of availability
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.NsSet.Check(nId, out check, mid, out error);
method ListDomains()
This method allows to get list of domains which are using intended identificator of set of nameservers.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- nId (string) - identificator of set of nameservers
- list (out string[]) - output parameter which is contains list of domain names
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.NsSet.ListDomains(nId, out list, mid, out error);
method ListWithNameServer()
This method allows to get list of identificators of set of nameservers which are using intended nameserver.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- nName (string) - domain name of nameserver
- list (out string[]) - output parameter which is contain list of identificators of set of nameservers
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.NsSet.ListWithNameServer(nName, out list, mid, out error);
method SendAuthInfo()
This method allows to call CZ.NIC to send password for transfer set of nameservers between registrars.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- nId (string) - identificator of set of nameservers
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.NsSet.SendAuthInfo(nId, mid, out error);
method Transfer()
This method allows to transfer set of nameservers from another registrar.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- nId (string) - identificator of set of nameservers
- curAuthInfo (string) - password for transfer of set of nameservers between registrars
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.NsSet.Transfer(nId, curAuthInfo, mid, out error);
method UpdateByPassword()
This method allows to save changes in set of nameserver into CZ.NIC database.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- nsset (NsSetType) - new data of set of nameservers
- cId (string) - identificator of contact which is authorizing changes
- password (string) - password of contact
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.NsSet.UpdateByPassword(nsset, cId, password, mid, out error);
method Whois()
This method allows to load data of set of nameservers from CZ.NIC database.
If success, method returns value true.
If failure, it returns value false. Error details you can get from outup parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- nId (string) - identificator of set of nameservers
- info (out NsSetWhoisType) - output parameter which returns loaded data of set of nameservers
- mid (uint) - custom identificator, unique for each method calling
- error (out CZError) - output parameter returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.NsSet.Whois(nId, out info, mid, out error);
Class CZKeySet
Class CZKeySet contains classes for work with keysets.
method Create()
This method allows you to create a new keysets in the CZ.NIC database.
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- keyset (KeySetType) - new keyset details
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.KeySet.Create(keyset, mid, out error);
method DeleteByPassword()
This method allows to delete existing keyset from CZ.NIC database.
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- kId (string) - keyset id
- cId (string) - keyset id confirming deletion
- password (string) - contact password
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.KeySet.DeleteByPassword(kId, cId, password, mid, out error);
method Check()
This method checks if id of keyset is available
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- kId (string) - keyset id
- check (out CheckType) - output parameter, returns check result
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.KeySet.Check(kId, out check, mid, out error);
metoda ListDomains()
This method returns list of domain names using current keyset.
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- kId (string) - keyset id
- list (out string[]) - output parameter, contains domain names using the keyset
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.KeySet.ListDomains(kId, out list, mid, out error);
method SendAuthInfo()
sends CZ-NI request for keyset registrar change auth-id forwarding.
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- kId (string) - keyset id
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.KeySet.SendAuthInfo(kId, mid, out error);
method Transfer()
Transfers keyset from another registrar to ZONER.
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- kId (string) - keyset id
- curAuthInfo (string) - keyset auth-id
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.KeySet.Transfer(kId, curAuthInfo, mid, out error);
method UpdateByPassword()
Updates existing keyset in CZ.NIC databse.
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- keyset (KeySetType) - new keyset details
- cId (string) - id of contact confirming updates
- password (string) - contact password
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.KeySet.UpdateByPassword(keyset, cId, password, mid, out error);
method Whois()
retrieves keyset details from CZ.NIC databse
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- kId (string) - keyset id
- info (out KeySetWhoisType) - output parameter, contains keyset whois details
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.KeySet.Whois(kId, out info, mid, out error);
Class CZDomain
Class CZDomain contains methods for work with domain names.
method CreateOrder()
This method creates new domain registraton order in CZ-NIC database. Registration is not on-line.
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- domain (DomainType) - new domain details.
- respondTo (string) - email address which receives information about successful registration
- requestId (string) - action id which will be used in confirmation email
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
method DeleteByPassword()
Deletes existing domain from CZ-NIC databsae.
This method creates new domain registraton order in CZ-NIC database. Registration is not on-line.
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- domainName (string) - domain name
- cId (string) - id of authoritative contact confirming detetion
- password (string) - contact password
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Domain.DeleteByPassword(domainName, cId, password, mid, out error);
method Check()
Checks domain availability in CZ.NIC database.
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- domainName (string) - domain name
- check (out CheckType) - output parameter, return check result
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Domain.Check(domainName, out check, mid, out error);
method ListInvoiced()
Retrieves list of domain names payed by current user.
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- list (out string[]) - output parameter, contains list of domain names
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Domain.ListInvoiced(out list, mid, out error);
method ListToBeDeleted()
Retreives list of domain names schedulled for deletion (new registration).
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- list (out DomainSpecRegType[]) - output parameter, list of domain names with deletion date
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Domain.ListToBeDeleted(out list, mid, out error);
method RenewOrder()
Creates domain name renew order in CZ-NIC database. Domain renewal is not online.
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- domainName (string) - domain name
- dPeriod (int) - renewal interval (years)
- respondTo (string) - email address for email with info about successful renewal
- requestId (string) - your own id, will be used in confirmation email
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Domain.RenewOrder(domainName, dPeriod, respondTo, requestId, mid, out error);
method ReplaceNsSetByPassword()
Updates all domain names using current nsset. Takes the old one and replaces it with new one for all domains. Affect only domains registered by ZONER
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- oldNsSet (string) - old nsset id
- newNsSet (string) - new nsset id
- cId (string) - id of authoritative contact confirming the update
- password (string) - contact password
- changeList (out Dictionary<string, bool>) - output parameter, returns list of domain names and update result for each domain.
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Domain.ReplaceNsSetByPassword(oldNsSet, newNsSet, cId, password, out changeList, mid, out error);
method SendAuthInfo()
Forwards domains auth-id for registarar transfer.
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- domainName (string) - domain name
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Domain.SendAuthInfo(domainName, mid, out error);
method Transfer()
transfer domain from another registrar. Allows to update nsset during transfer.
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- domainName (string) - domain name
- nId (string) - new nsset id
- curAuthInfo (string) - domain's auth-id
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Domain.Transfer(domainName, nId, curAuthInfo, mid, out error);
method UpdateByPassword()
Updates domain details in CZ-NIC database.
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- domain (DomainType) - new domain details
- cId (string) - id of authoritative contact confirming update
- password (string) - contact's password
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Domain.UpdateByPassword(domain, cId, password, mid, out error);
method Whois()
Retrieves domain details from CZ.NICu.
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- domainName (string) - domain name
- info (out DomainWhoisType) - output parameter, contains domain details
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Domain.Whois(domainName, out info, mid, out error);
method RegistrantChange()
Domain owner update request. Update can be confirmed only by paper document.
Returns true if sucessfful.
else false. Error details can be retrieved from output parameter error.
Method requires following parameters:
- domainName (string) - domain name
- dRegistrant (string) - new domain owner
- respondTo (string) - email address for document
- code (out string) - output parameter, request id
- mid (uint) - id unique for each method invoking
- error (out CZError) - output parameter which returns error details
zms.CZRegistration.Domain.RegistrantChange(domainName, dRegistrant, respondTo, out code, mid, out error);
Enumeration CAdminError
List of errors which can appear during CAdmin methods invoking.
- NoError - no error
- UnknownError - unspecified error
- UserAlreadyAuthenticated - user is already logged in
- BadCredentials - bad login details
Class CZError
Super class for subclasses with information about specific error appearing during use methods from classes CZContact, CZNsSet a CZDomain.
attribute ErrorType
contains error object's type and is definet by enumeration type CZErrorType with following values
- NoError - no error
- SyntaxError - syntax error
- SqlError - SQL server error
- CzNicError - CZ.NIC error
- CzNicException - CZ.NIC call exception
- RuntimeError - request processing error
- UnknownError - unspecified error
- AccessDenied - access denied
Class CZNoError
No error. Extends class CZError.
atribute ErrorType
returns value CZErrorType.NoError.
Class CZSyntaxError
Information about syntax error. Extends CZError.
atribute ErrorType
returns value CZErrorType.SyntaxError.
atribute ParamName
Contains name of atribute which invoked syntax error.
atribute ErrorValue
Contains error value.
atribute Number
Contains error number.
atribute Description
Contains text format of error value.
List of possible syntax error in format Description (Number):
CannotErase (1) - value can not be NULL
CannotBeEmpty (2) - value can not be empty
Reserved (3) - reserved for further purposes
InvalidValue (4) - invalid value
LengthMustBe0To16 (5) - length must be 0 to 16 symbols
LengthMustBe0To17 (6) - length must be 0 to 17 symbols
LengthMustBe0To20 (7) - length must be 0 to 20 symbols
LengthMustBe0To32 (8) - length must be 0 to 32 symbols
LengthMustBe0To255 (9) - length must be 0 to 255 symbols
LengthMustBe0To300 (10) - length must be 0 to 300 symbols
LengthMustBe1To66 (11) - length must be 1 to 66 symbols
LenghtMustBe1To255 (12) - length must be 1 to 255 symbols
LengthMustBe2 (13) - length must be 2 symbols
LengthMustBe3To45 (14) - length must be 3 to 45 symbols
LengthMustBe3To63 (15) - length must be 3 to 63 symbols
LengthMustBe4To255 (16) - length must be 4 to 255 symbols
MustBeCountryCode (17) - value is not valid ISO country code
MustBeDefined (18) - value is not defined
MustBeEmail (19) - value is not valid email format
MustBeNameServerFQDN (20) - value is not valid nameserver format
MustBeIPAddress (21) - value is not valid IP address
MustBeLowerCase (22) - value is not lower-case
MustBeNormalizedString (23) - value does not have a standardized format string
MustBeNotDefined (24) - value can not be defined
MustBeNumbersOrLettersOrUnderlineOrHyphenOrColonOrDot (25) - value can only contain numbers, letters, and the underscore character (_), hyphen (-), colon (:), period (.)
MustBeTelephoneNumberFormat (26) - value is not a phone number
MustBeToken (27) - value is not token
MustBeTypeDateTime (28) - value is not datum
MustBeTypeInt (29) - value is not intege
MustBeUpperCase (30) - hvalue must be upper casebr />
MustBeValidDomainNameCz (31) - value is not valid CZ domain na,e
ValueMustBe0To10 (32) - value must be 0 to 10
ValueMustBe1To10 (33) - value must be 1 to 10
ValueMustBe1To365 (34) -value must be 1 to 365
MustBeHexBinary (35) - value can be a string of hexadecimal characters to binary values
ValueMustBe0AndGreater (36) - value must be a positive number
Class CZSqlError
Information about SQL server error. Extends CZError.
atribute ErrorType
Returns value CZErrorType.SqlError.
atribute Detail
Contains information about error.
Class CZNicError
Information about CZ.NIC server error. Extends CZError.
atribute ErrorType
returns value CZErrorType.CzNicError.
atribute Code
contains error number.
atribute Message
Contains error text.
atribute ObjectId
Contains error object identifier.
Class CZNicException
Information abotu error during comunication with CZ.NIC server. Extends CZError.
atribute ErrorType
Returns value CZErrorType.CzNicException.
atribute Description
Contains error text.
Class CZRuntimeError
Informs about the error that occurred while processing the request on the server. It can also act as well as contextual error in the parameter value, the parameter value is syntactically wrong, but in this context is not correct. Extends CZError.
atribute ErrorType
returns value CZErrorType.RuntimeError.
atribute ErrorValue
contains error value.
atribute Number
contains error number.
atribute Description
Contains text representation of error and it's number.
List of possible errors in format Description (Number):
AlreadyCurrentRegistrar (1) - on the object, the Registrar has designated registrar
AuthInfoNotMatching (2) - auth-id is not valid
AuthIdNotAcquired (3) - update is not authorized
ContactMustBeDomainOwner (4) - contact must be domain owner
ContactMustBeTech (5) - contact must be tech-c
InvalidAuthorization (6) - invalid authorization
InvalidAuthorizationMethod (7) - invalid authorization method
InvalidContactEmail (8) - invalid contact's email
NotAvailable (9) - object id is not available
NotCurrentRegistrar (10) - registrat is not delegated registrar
MaxLimitForAuthPwdCreationExceeded (11) - max limit for contact's passwords exceeded
MaxLimitOfUnexpiredAuthPwdsReached (12) - max limit for contact's unexpired passwords exceeded
UnableToSaveAuthPwd (13) - contact's password was not saved
UnableToSendEmail (14) - sending of contacts password email was not successful
MustBeAlreadyRegistred (15) - object must be already registered
AddingOrderFailed (16) - order was not completed