PHP5 client library VI. - methods and functions of Zcc modules
Description of methods and classes of ZMS module Zcc (for work with domain orders).
1. Common functions
Server login.
Input parameters:
- user_name - user name
- password - password
User login.
Input parameters:
- user_name - user name (the same as your login into your admin panel)
- password - password (the same as your login into your admin panel)
2. Manipulation with orders
order creation.
Input parameters:
- user_id - users id
- note - note for order
Input tables:
- order_items - list of items in order
- process_name - process name [Renew | Register]
- domain_name - domain name
- period - period for registration or renew
- varcode - code of variant (0)
- owner_handle - handle of domain owner from table "contacts" in column "contact_handle"
- admin_handle - handle of administrative contact from table "contacts" in column "contact_handle"
- tech_handle - handle of technical contact from table "contacts" in column "contact_handle"
- nsset_handle - handle of nameserver set from table "nssets" in column "nsset_handle"
- contacts - contains list of contacts for domain registration
- contact_handle - contact handle
- zoner_handle - ZONER contact handle
- first_name - name
- last_name - surname
- org - organization
- address1 - street
- address2 - street
- city - city
- zip - postal number
- country - country
- phone - phone
- fax - fax
- email - email
- ident - Business number
- vat - VAT
- status - contact type [person | company]
- nssets - contains list of nameservers for domain registration
- nsset_handle - nsset handle
- ns1_name - 1. nameserver
- ns2_name - 2. nameserver
- ns3_name - 3. nameserver
- ns4_name - 4. nameserver
Input parameters:
- order_id - id of order
- inserted - date of order creation
Output tables:
- saved_order_items - contains list of saved items in order
- order_item_id - id of an item in order
Processing of item in order
Input parameters:
- order_item_id - id of an item in order
3. Domains
Get list of managed domains
Input parameters:
- user_id - int - user identifier
- filter_name - string - filter by name, accepts '*' notation
- not_like - bool - negate filter
- expires_within_days - int - allowed values -720 -> 720, 0 to return all
- order_by_expiration - bool - true - sort by domain name, false - sort by expiration
- desc_order - bool - direction oorder
- brief - bool - fast data - returns only: Name, PunyCodeName, Expiration
Output tables:
- domain_names - list of domains
- DomainId - int - domain identifier
- Name - string - domain name
- PunyCodeName - string - domain name in puny code
- Expiration - datetime - expiration date
- AutoRenew - int - autorenew flag (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled.)
- Tld - string - top level domain
- RenewInProgress - bool - renew process in progress
- RenewYearsPossible - string -
- UserNote - string - user note for domain
- FeeTld - string - TLD for fee calculations
- ProviderPaysToNic - bool - domain fee is included in hosting fee
1. Kreditní systém
get credit account state info
Input parameters:
- user_id - int - customer account id without prefix ('CZ-123' => 123)
Output parameters:
- caid- int - credit account id
- base_credit_amount - decimal - current account balance without VAT
- full_credit_amount - decimal - current account balance with VAT
- ccy - currency - credit account currency (CZK, EUR, …)
- vat_percent - decimal - current VAT rate
- permanent_vs - int - permanent variable symbol
- lowcredit_warning_email - string - credit account notification email
- lowcredit_warning_sms - string - credit account SMS notification phone number
- bank_account_number - string - bank account number
- bank_code - string - bank code
- bank_iban - string - IBAN code
- bank_swift - string - SWIFT code
- bank_full_addr - string - full bank name