DJ, CD, COM.LY and YT domains
(Brno, Jul 16th, 2013) We started registering four new domains of African states
- DJ, CD, COM.LY and YT.
New domains registrations available!
- Domain DJ is domain of Djibouti, it has also been marketed for music related sites due to the use of "DJ" to mean disc jockey.
- Domain CD is domain of Democratic Republic of the Congo. The TLD is popular owing to it being an abbreviation for compact disc
- Domain COM.LY is Libyan second level domain designed for commercial services.
- Domain YT is the main domain of the state Mayotte, managed by the French registry AF.NIC.
To order a domain, display detailed domain information and registration rules click on a TLD name:
- domain of Djibouti (DJ)
- domain of Democratic Republic of the Congo (CD)
- domain of Libye (COM.LY)
- domain of Mayotte (YT)
For detailed prices of each domain, see the price list.